Goals & Objectives

The Yemeni Response Council seeks, through 
active activity, to achieve the following goals:

1. Achieving sustainable development, starting 
from the common global frameworks through 
which we seek, according to the priorities, weaknesses and vulnerabilities to reduce poverty and 
create a more secure and fair social system.
2. Seek to create societies that enjoy peace and 
stability and exercise transparency and partnership.
3. Enhancing trust between peoples and states 
based on good governance, equality, understanding, respect, solidarity and a fair distribution of 
interests, roles and opportunities, and respect for 
human rights.
4. Providing effective humanitarian and developmental roles in emergency situations, disasters 
and beyond, and in stable situations, in cooperation with all humanitarian partners at the local 
and international levels in all sectors of humanitarian work.
5. Activating the role of youth by building their 
capabilities, developing their skills, and supporting their projects

Our Activites:

Implementing development and emergency 
response programs in the following fields:
1. WASH.
2. Shelter/NFIs.
3. CCCM.
4. Health.
5. Nutrition.
6. Education.
7. Food security and 
8. Gender and Protection.
9. Urban Monitoring and 
10. Coexistence and 

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